Non-Alcoholic Beverages You Are Allowed To Drink If You Are Pregnant


You always hear that alcohols are strictly forbidden during pregnancy. But what is more required, to know is what kinds of drinks you are allowed to drink during pregnancy. Alcoholic drinks can be harmful to your pregnancy and harmful to your health. If you want to stay healthy throughout your pregnancy, then don’t miss out on your timely visits to the baby scan clinic and don’t drink alcoholic drinks. Here is a list of non-alcoholic drinks that you can drink every day during your pregnancy. 


This is, of course, the first beverage that deserves to be on the list. Water solves most of your problems during pregnancy. Other than keeping you hydrating, many pregnancy-related problems like indigestion, nausea, constipation, etc. are solved too. You should drink 6-8 glasses of water. It is easy to forget drinking water throughout the day. you can download a drinking water reminder app. You can also drink fruit-infused water if you are bored with the taste of water. 


This is another beverage that will help you and your baby stay healthy during pregnancy. Milk has calcium that is vital for the growth of bones and teeth in your baby. So, drink a glass of milk every day. Make sure you drink the milk at a time when you don’t feel nauseous. 


Not everyone likes to eat every type of fruits. But a lot of fruits are important during pregnancy. It also takes some time to chop and peel fruits. So, if you don’t feel like eating fruits directly, you can make juice out of it. Most fruits can be made into juice and with some different flavours, you can easily drink them. Make juice out of fruits like apple, strawberry, oranges, pineapples, etc. 


Smoothies can take some to make but they are extremely healthy to drink. If you don’t feel like eating solid foods, them one glass of smoothie can make you feel full. Some vegetables are made for smoothies and they are also important during pregnancy. 

Herbal Tea 

Herbal tea is extremely important during pregnancy. Pregnancy blue can be hard for every woman. Herbal tea can help a lot to settle your nerves. Herbal tea like chamomile tea, lemon tea, rose tea, etc. have a lot of properties that help a lot during pregnancy, especially during delivery. 

Make sure you add all these beverages in your daily diet and don’t miss out on your visits to Milton Keynes baby scan clinic.

To know more about how to avail baby scan clinic in Milton Keynes follow:


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