How Early Is It Possible To Get A Gender Scan?

Ultrasounds have various uses during pregnancy. Apart from its numerous benefits like checking the health of the growing foetus and detecting abnormalities, this technology has also been highly successful in revealing the gender of the growing baby. Finding out the gender of the baby is entirely dependent on the parents, whether they want it or not. If you are one of the parents who can’t wait to find out the gender of the baby in order to start making preparations, gender scan clinic is the safest and most appropriate options.

Girl and boy babies look very similar on ultrasound scans until around 14 weeks, even though some DNA test that analyses X and Y chromosomes claim to determine baby's gender as early as 6 weeks of pregnancy. There are various methods by which the gender of the baby can be scanned and revealed. All of these are extremely safe and frequently done.

Traditional Gender scan clinic

In an ultrasound, high-frequency sound-waves are sent into the mother’s uterus. When these bounce off, the image of the foetus is captured on the screen. The gender of the baby is generally revealed around 18-20 weeks. The predictions are almost accurate and the process is safe.

3D and 4D baby scan clinic

 If you want to know the gender earlier than what traditional ultrasound can reveal, then you can go for 3D or 4D Ultrasound. It is highly effective as well as a safe option for learning the baby’s gender. More and more women are opting for this ultrasound method. Here, the baby’s gender can be revealed in 11-14 weeks and the predictions are highly accurate.

These traditional, 3D, and 4D ultrasounds are extremely safe and do not cause any harm to the growing baby or the mother. It is also a great method for revealing the gender of the baby, so that expectant parents can make appropriate preparations and celebrate with family and friends.

If you want to know your baby's sex, you should ask the sonographer at the start of the scan, so they know that they need to check. Checking the gender of the baby is not exactly science. So there are no 100% guarantees that the sonographer will be able to tell the baby’s sex. For example, it may be difficult or impossible to tell whether your baby is male or female if your baby is lying in an awkward position or moving around a lot. While there are numerous clinics claiming to be good gender scan clinics, it is best to choose a certified and recommended clinic to avoid any complications.

Also, if you are confused on which clinic to go to you can go to any of the business listing sites that will let you know that Window to the Womb is the best gender scan clinic in Milton Keynes.


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