5 Tips To Help You Take Care Of Your Baby’s Skin In Dry Winter

This is the peak time of winter in Milton Keynes. If you are pregnant during winter then you will need to take care of your health and skin mostly as advised by your Milton Keynes 4D baby scan clinic. But if you have given birth to your child and this is the first winter, you will need to take extra care of them. Skincare for a baby can be quite complicated as babies are more prone to dryness than adults. So, take note of these five tips that will help you take care of your newborn’s skin.

Go Natural

It is always best to go the natural way concerning your newborn. There are a lot of chemicals in any baby products you might want to use. It doesn’t mean that the ingredients are harmful or anything but for a newborn, any kind of product can have side effects. Use natural ingredients including calendula oil, aloe vera and super-soothing colloidal oatmeal that tend to work wonders for dry skin and eczema.

Daily Massage Is Essential

Baby or an adult, a massage is always beneficial. It enables efficient blood circulation and keeps their skin soft and bouncy. Use natural oils to do the massage every day for 10 minutes before giving a bath. This will also be a great way to bond with your child every day.

Cover Up From Head To Toe

It is very important to keep your baby warm as if they are cold even a little bit, it will increase the dryness of their skin. So layer them up from head to toe even at home. Don’t leave out their fingers too, especially when going outside. But make sure they don’t heat up too much as it can lead to heat rash.

Moisturizing Is A Must

Moisturizing your newborn’s skin is the best way to avoid dryness. If you use heaters at home, know that heaters can take out the moisture out of air and winter air can be quite dry and chilly, all of which make your little one’s skin dry. So, find an organic moisturizer that will provide 24 hours moisturization.

Avoid Eczema

Eczema is caused due to dry, inflamed, and irritated skin. Redness and itchiness, along with scaly patches on the skin are the common signs of eczema. Even with the slightest signs of the same, start applying natural products to treat them. If not treated within time both you and your baby will have to suffer a lot.

Don’t forget these tips while caring for your newborn in this cold winter of Milton Keynes. If you are pregnant and will give birth to your newborn in this winter, ask for other expert advice from your Milton Keynes 4D baby scan clinic.


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