How To Layer Up Your Newborn This Winter With Suitable Attire

Are you going to have your baby in this winter season? Well, you would better stock up warm clothes for your newborn. But before doing that visit a gender scan clinic to know the gender of your baby so that you have a successful shopping trip. Here, are a few steps on how you can keep your newborn warm this winter with the help of several layers.

The First Layer

This first layer is what your baby will wear at home in the winter. They don’t really need much more than normal since your house probably stays around the same temperature as normal. You do want to pick thin but warm clothing, however, that works for layering under winter gear. We usually go with a long sleeve onesie, stretchy pants or sweats, and socks. This way if you do happen to go outside later, you can easily add their other clothing.

The Second Layer 

If you are only wearing a light sweater, then your baby probably doesn’t need much more than that either. Add another long sleeve or light jacket over the outfit they have on. You can also add a hat and a scarf to keep their little ears warm. But don’t overwhelm them with too much clothing as they might have a fit then.

The Third Layer

When it is really chilly outside and you are putting on your winter coat, you will want to add a snowsuit over the other two layers for your baby. Just remember to take the suit off if you are going inside for an extended period of time or when you get back home.

Additional Layers If Needed

 The above steps will help you to keep your little one warm when you are out and about, but you also need to think about sleepwear. Going outside in the winter might also mean getting the stroller ready. You can keep your baby extra warm by tucking blankets around them in the stroller. If you will be leaving them in the stroller, you can use a bunting bag and skip the snowsuit.

As for in the car seat, whether on car rides or in the stroller, keep in mind a snowsuit or bulky clothing gets in between your baby and the restraints. This means your baby is no longer secure. Instead, put them in the seat in their base layer and tuck a blanket around them after they are buckled in. 

So, make sure you buy all of these before the baby arrives after confirming the gender with the help of a gender scan clinic as you don’t want to buy the wrong type of clothes.


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