How To Get Relief From Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

Swollen feet during pregnancy is very common, especially after the 2nd trimester. Also known as Edema, it is caused due to the excess fluid in the body and the pressure from your uterus. A baby scan clinic can tell you what’s going inside your body, but it is no secret that all these extra fluids are the reason to make your feet swell. The only thing you can do is give some relief to your feet and follow the below-mentioned ways to keep the swelling to a minimum. 

Reduce Sodium Intake 

Sodium or salt is a big reason for your body to hold extra water. So, the best way to avoid swelling is by reducing the intake of salt. All the canned and processed foods are high with sodium, as it also works as a good preservative. Except for the homemade food that you are eating, don’t put extra salt anywhere. If you think the food is not tasting good, you can use different kinds of herbs like oregano to add flavor.

Reduce Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is diuretic, which will make you take extra trips to the bathroom, and your body, as a result, will think that it needs to hold onto the extra fluid. We all know caffeine is not good for health during pregnancy anyway. It makes the swelling worse too. So, instead of coffee, switch to milk and herbal tea that will give you energy.

Drink More Water

Even though it does sound strange, water is helpful in making the swelling go down. If your body stays dehydrated, it will only hold down to more fluid. Drink at least 3-4 liters of water every day to rid yourself of all the toxic materials.

Elevate Your Feet And Rest

The more time you spent standing, the worse the swelling will go. Obviously, you can’t spend most of your day sitting but try to take breaks in the middle of whatever work you do. Sit down and keep your feet up in slightly elevated position. This will not allow the fluids to pool down in your legs.  

Wear Comfortable Shoes

Comfortable maternity shoes are the best during pregnancy. While it is fine to wear heels in your first trimester, try to switch to maternity shoes from the second trimester. It will keep the swelling to a minimum, as well as to preventing hip and back problems that can arise as your center of gravity shifts and your weight increases. There are various types of good maternity shoes that you can wear anywhere you want to, whether it’s to the workplace or a baby scan clinic.
Try these ways to keep your swelling to a minimum level, and if even then it doesn’t show good results, you can consult your doctor.



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