6 Tips On What To Do If Your Baby Is Refusing To Bottlefeed

Whether you are going to have a boy or a girl, you can find that out easily through a gender scan clinic. But whether your baby will prefer breastfeeding or bottle-feeding even at a later stage, there is no way to find that out beforehand.
Although this is a very common occurrence, there is no easy way to make the transition of breastfeeding to bottle-feeding. We are giving you some tips that can make it a bit easy. 

Someone Other than Mom


 If you are trying to change it from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding, then the baby might refuse it if it is given by you. Some babies prefer to keep nursing if they have gotten under the habit and if their mother is close. It might help if you hand over the job of feeding the baby to your partner, grandparent, or any other adult from the family.

Try Motion

Sometime some babies may prefer to experience motion during bottle feeding. You can try different kinds of motions, such as slow walking, swaying, or rocking.

A Soothing Atmosphere


Sometimes babies refuse the bottle just for the sake of it, or they might be too distracted to take a bottle. If a lot of things are going on in the surrounding your baby will be more interested in that rather than paying attention to you. So try creating a soothing atmosphere. Take your child to a quiet room and dim the lights or draw the shades if it’s daytime.

A Reminder Of Mom


Just like for some babies, it helps if the mother is not around for some babies, it helps even if only the scent of the mother is around. The scent of their mother may help encourage the baby to feed. Just wrap the bottle in the mother’s shirt or something belonging to the mother and it may help.

Timing Is Everything 


If your baby is refusing to bottlefeed while being awake and alert, then you can try to feed your baby when they are drowsy. If your baby is going off to sleep or just waking up from the nap, they are more likely to take a bottle without any fuss.

Try Different Positions 


Eating while lying is not good for health and digestion. So don’t try that for your baby too. They will never enjoy this position. However, you can try out different positions. Recline them in your arms or make them sit upright your lap.

Try out these tips, and if your child still refuses the bottle then consult a child doctor.


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