Tips For Fathers-To-Be On What To Do In Delivery Room

Father’s day is just around the corner. If you are a Father-to-be you should be prepared in every aspect of pregnancy and childbirth. That includes knowing what to do when your partner is in labor and giving birth. 

• Stay informed

You should stay informed about everything regarding the birth of your child. It helps if you assist your partner in an ultrasound baby scan clinic and see your child, their positions and development. Also, pay attention and actively participate in the Lamaze classes. Learn everything regarding the birth process.

• Help her get settled

When your partner’s contractions are just starting, take her to the hospital within time. Don’t panic and try to reach in time. Settle her in the hospital bed as soon as possible before the too painful contractions start.

• Monitor the contractions

Your partner will be in too much pain to keep track of the contractions and the time taken. This implies you can talk her through the contractions, depicting when they're going to top and begin dying down. Keep her informed and encourage her to keep breathing by the seconds.

• Don’t panic and be ready to wait

It can be over in 8 hours or might even take a whole day. Do not lose patience during this time. It is best to leave it to the doctors and don’t get in the way. You can give her a message during this time if she wants or give her a foot rub.

• Support her and distract her

As the intensity of the contractions increases, keep encouraging her on what a great job she is doing. Support her by holding her hand (or let her squeeze your hand). If the pain becomes too much, try to distract her. Labor can be tedious a lot of times. Converse with her to pass the time

• Stay by her side during birth

Your own child's birth is something you would not want to miss. A lot of fathers tend to stay outside during delivery. Do not leave her side as this will give your partner huge emotional support. Also, there is nothing more wonderful than seeing your child for the first time, right after he is born.

• Your work is not done yet

After your baby is born, the mother will be very tired. Let her take a nap. You can take care of your child and even bond with them during this time. You can also surprise the mother with flowers. 
Studies have shown that supporting a woman emotionally throughout the birth process lessens her pain. So even if you don’t know what to do during this time just keep saying things like, “you are doing great” or “you have got this”.


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