5 Common Problems Women Face During Multiple Pregnancy

 Are you excited because you just heard two heartbeats during your ultrasound scan in Ultrasound baby scan clinic? It is a very good news! But it’s also a huge responsibility. There are certain common problems in multiple births. Everything tends to become multiple times worse. Problems like getting morning sickness all day long, excessive weight gain, insomnia, intensified aches, and joint pains, etc. But there are also some more dangerous complications during multiple pregnancies that can prove to be fatal.

let’s take a look at some of them:


It is a condition where amniotic fluid becomes excess in the amniotic sac.
This condition leads to other severe conditions like cardiac problems, kidney problems, fetal malposition, umbilical prolapse, and sometimes even leads to TTTS. The only way of treatment is the removal of excess fluid through a needle or sometimes medication is also needed.


Also known as the twin-twin transfusion system is a very rare and disastrous condition. It is developed when identical twins share a placenta. During this, the blood vessels let one baby have a lot of blood and the other to have too little. This results in one baby becoming too small and the other becoming too large. It can be diagnosed within 15-20 weeks. A proper treatment which involves draining out the excessive fluids is very common in these cases.

Placental abruption

As the name suggests this occurs when placenta gets separated from the uterus. Placenta abruption is more likely to occur in multiple births. It can happen during the 25th week of pregnancy. There is no proper treatment for this and the babies need to be delivered through c-section. Most of the time they are pre-matured with low birth weight.

Gestational Diabetes

This develops during multiple pregnancies due to high blood sugar. It results in premature births, pre-eclampsia, and cesarean. Blood sugar level can be lowered by making changes in diet and exercises. Sometimes the doctor might recommend anti-diabetic medication and insulin.

Intrahepatic Cholestasis of pregnancy

It is more common during the last trimester of pregnancy. The multiple pregnancies along with excessive amounts of hormones cause this condition. It affects the normal flow of bile thereby impairing liver functions. It causes itchiness starting with the palms of hands and soles of feet and spreading to other parts of the body. So if you start to have itchiness you might want to avail ultrasound baby scanning services to see if there is any problem. In severe conditions, it increases the risk of premature birth or stillbirth. It is better to get prescribed medication from your doctor as soon as possible.

Though not every one of them can be resolved medically, knowing about it before hand can help prepare yourself. So, take extra caution in case you are expecting multiple babies.



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