5 Harmful Effects Of Smoking On The Baby During Pregnancy

Are you a regular smoker and trying to get pregnant? Well, before you do become pregnant, you might want to clear out a few facts. Even one single cigarette can be harmful during pregnancy . A lot of ultrasound baby scan clinic has advised against smoking during pregnancy. Find out what harmful effects, you can have on the baby if you smoke while being pregnant . Growth And Development Smoking stops the body from creating oxygen. So, if you smoke during pregnancy both you and your baby will not get oxygen. If your baby doesn’t get enough oxygen it will put a hamper in the baby’s growth and development. Stunts The Weight If you are a regular smoker even in the pregnancy, it will reduce the weight of the baby and make the baby’s weight lighter every day. This leads to preterm birth or giving birth to a smaller baby that is underweight and undeveloped than normal. Baby’s Lungs When a baby is undeveloped, it also could mean that their lungs are not develop...