What To Expect In 6 Weeks Visit To Baby Scan Clinic In Milton Keynes

At 6 weeks of your pregnancy, you still might feel everything that's happening a bit surreal. Some to-be-moms can not wait to go to a Milton Keynes baby scan clinic for their first checkup. But on the other hand, some would be scared and wrecked with nerves to even go inside the clinic. For those moms-to-be, we are going to tell you everything that you can expect once you step inside the clinic. We should start by giving a briefing on what an ultrasound is. It is basically a scan of your abdomen and pelvic area and the sonogram is the photograph that is produced. They are not x-rays and are completely safe. It is a non-invasive procedure and takes 15-30 minutes. You will be able to see your baby for the first time. The doctor in the baby scan clinic will be able to tell you about the growth and development of the baby. You will also be able to hear your baby's heartbeat for the first time. What Happens During the Scan? Nowadays most doctors don't say i...