Tips For Fathers-To-Be On What To Do In Delivery Room

Father’s day is just around the corner. If you are a Father-to-be you should be prepared in every aspect of pregnancy and childbirth. That includes knowing what to do when your partner is in labor and giving birth. • Stay informed You should stay informed about everything regarding the birth of your child. It helps if you assist your partner in an ultrasound baby scan clinic and see your child, their positions and development. Also, pay attention and actively participate in the Lamaze classes. Learn everything regarding the birth process. • Help her get settled When your partner’s contractions are just starting, take her to the hospital within time. Don’t panic and try to reach in time. Settle her in the hospital bed as soon as possible before the too painful contractions start. • Monitor the contractions Your partner will be in too much pain to keep track of the contractions and the time taken. This implies you can talk her through the contractions, depicting...