5 Common Problems Women Face During Multiple Pregnancy

Are you excited because you just heard two heartbeats during your ultrasound scan in Ultrasound baby scan clinic? It is a very good news! But it’s also a huge responsibility. There are certain common problems in multiple births. Everything tends to become multiple times worse. Problems like getting morning sickness all day long, excessive weight gain, insomnia, intensified aches, and joint pains, etc. But there are also some more dangerous complications during multiple pregnancies that can prove to be fatal. let’s take a look at some of them: Polyhydramnios It is a condition where amniotic fluid becomes excess in the amniotic sac. This condition leads to other severe conditions like cardiac problems, kidney problems, fetal malposition, umbilical prolapse, and sometimes even leads to TTTS. The only way of treatment is the removal of excess fluid through a needle or sometimes medication is also needed. TTTS Also known as the twin-twin transfusion system is a very rare and disast...